How can I tell if I’m using FRS or DFSR for SYSVOL replication?

Date : October 19, 2016

It’s easy, just enter this in the command prompt:

dfsrmig.exe /getglobalstate

There’s no good reason to not be running DFSR by now, especially seeing as Windows Server 2016 does not support FRS any longer. Do yourself a favour and upgrade, there’s a great TechNet article on the process:

Read more: Streamlined Migration of FRS to DFSR SYSVOL

Comment (1)

Stuart Rowe

As much as it grinds my gears (thinking Peter Griffin style), I hate to say that the statement that Windows Server 2016 does not support FRS is incorrect. I saw for my own eyes that if a 2016 installation is promoted to DC status in a 2003 domain (with only 1 DC … a windows 2003 Server), the promotion process WILL install the FRS bits. Even had the FRS event log. Grrrr.

I hate Microsoft for extending the ‘deprecated’ state for this new release.

8 years ago

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